Friends, meet Dmitry Pimonov — an amazing person and a promising musician. Dmitry, where are you from and how did your love for music and the guitar start?
I was born on February 15, 1991 in the city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan. At the age of 14 I moved to Russia, to the city of Lipetsk, together with my family, where I currently live.
Since childhood, inspired by the music of such bands as: Linkin Park, 3 Doors Down, Nickelback, I wanted to learn how to play the guitar. However, it was possible to extract the first sounds on this wonderful instrument only at the age of 18. That's when I got my first guitar, which my parents bought me for my birthday. It all started with searching the Internet for tabs of those favorite bands and using them to learn simple picks and various guitar techniques.
A year later, I realized that I wanted to write music and started studying music theory. It was difficult, but at the same time very exciting. It was then that I began not only to play, but also to understand music. This went on for some time, and a few simple melodies were written. Mostly it was simple strumming or playing chords. In general, nothing serious at that time.
And when did you realize that your passion is serious?
Once a friend came to me and showed me a video that dramatically changed the direction of my work. It was a video of the american guitarist Andy Mckee, in which he performed his composition “Drifting”.
Video by Candyrat Records on YouTube
For 15 minutes I was just in shock, thinking how you can use the guitar like that: hitting the body, while playing a completely melodic part. I started looking for similar videos on the Internet and found out that this style of play is called Fingerstyle. At that moment, a whole world of beautiful and full-fledged guitar music opened up for me. Over the next few years, I listened to and analyzed the music of various guitarists such as: Trace Bundy, Yuki Matsui, Owen Van Larkins, Antoine Dufour.
Video by AmazingGraceRadio on YouTube
Video by Yuki Matsui on YouTube
Then I continued attempts to write my own music, but already meaningful. At first, these were duet compositions with my friends, who were also fond of music.
The first full-fledged composition was “Searching The Way”, where I wrote the musical parts of several instruments at once, and Alexander Marchukov wrote the drum part. I especially remember that we did not agree on a joint composition in advance. I finished the instrumental parts and let my friends listen for criticism. Alexander said that it would be nice to add drums and did everything in just a couple of hours. As a result, the composition found its final image.
The second full-fledged composition was the song “Let the Years Go”, written together with Ivan Peshkov. We met while performing in the park. In the summer, they organized a hodgepodge of artists, where he and I were regular participants.

The process of composing this composition was no less interesting. It was written almost entirely by improvisation on stage. Time after time I played along with him, adding to and modifying the song parts. As a result, after 10 times, we realized that it would be nice to record it. Unfortunately, due to very different schedules, we didn't have time to play outside the stage. This composition remained the only completed one.
Then for some time we performed with Ekaterina Belozerova. It was a duet of guitar and violin. It was fun, but due to my constant employment at work, at that time I had very little time left for the guitar.

Some time later, my good friend Sergey Retivykh and I founded the guitar duo A-Chord. We performed with our concert program in cafes and venues in Lipetsk. It was a memorable time full of experiments.

Unfortunately, after a year and a half, due to Sergey's move to Moscow, our duet ended their performances, and I switched to solo work.
In parallel with all this, I was also engaged in teaching activities on the territory of the Lipetsk region, however, I quickly realized that I did not have enough time for what I really like — writing music. Therefore, at the moment, my main activity is not related to music, so as not to turn it into a routine. I do not stop trying to make music my main source of income, but with a non-teaching bias.
To do this, I started a YouTube channel where I post lessons, covers and original compositions. I also created a website where listeners can find photos of my performances, tabs for my music and exercises for lessons. At the moment, I continue to work on my own compositions and post them as soon as they are ready.
If I understood correctly, you independently mastered musical theory and playing the guitar. In my opinion, for this you need to have an incredible craving for this business and self-discipline. What (who) helped you to be successful in this process?
I would call it curiosity rather than craving. I was just wondering how music works. To do this, I read the relevant materials, and there was no talk of some kind of self-discipline. I studied musical theory when I wanted to and sometimes not always right.
If I really liked a song or a melody, as a rule, I tried to understand and make out how it works, and what exactly catches me in it. I think that a mentor was still needed, then the process would have gone much faster.
Other musicians help me to be successful in this process. The bands that I listened to had a particularly strong influence on me. In absolutely all my compositions, I try to put a melody similar to the one performed by the vocalist in the group. In terms of guitar players, the biggest influences on me are: Trace Bundy, Yuki Matsui and Owen Van Larkins.
What inspires you to create?
First of all, other people. And it's not just musicians. It can be people of completely different professions. In every field you can find something that can surprise and inspire creativity.
You have a whole course on learning to play the guitar. You generously share your knowledge and skills. What inspired you to create this course and why do you think it is especially valuable for beginner guitarists?
As I already mentioned, there was a time when I was engaged in teaching activities. This course, as a rule, went in addition to classes to structure the material. It is valuable in that it describes the main base on musical theory and the structure of the guitar. The course itself is not particularly long, but it takes more than one month to understand and master what it says. Here is an example of one of the lessons.
What is the most difficult thing for you in your creative work? How do you deal with it?
First of all, find time for creativity itself. At the moment music is not my main source of income. Therefore, you have to look for free minutes to engage in creativity. If we talk about the creative process itself, then the most difficult thing is to bring the sound of the melody to the state it sounds in my head.
This is probably why I chose the fingerstyle, since the music I want to write always spans multiple instruments. Fingerstyle somehow allows you to imitate their sound with one guitar. I also have a problem that I often consider my music to be unfinished, and sometimes it's hard to force myself to share what I have.
Name the compositions that are worth getting acquainted with first of all for those who are beginning to be interested in your work!
If we talk about my original compositions, then this is, perhaps, “Vector Of Motion”, “New Life” and “You And I”.
If we talk about arrangements, then this is “Darkwing Duck”, “Stitches”, “A Whole New World”. I am an amateur vocalist, as I mainly position myself as an instrumental performer, but I am not averse to trying new things.
In general, when it comes to arrangements, it's best to check out my YouTube channel.
What are your next creative plans?
I plan to spend time finishing and recording my compositions. There are a lot of drafts that need to be completed. I want to save up for the author's program.
Traditionally, a few personal questions. Who are your parents? How did they raise you? What was the most valuable thing you got from them?
At the time of the interview, my father works at a sawmill. Makes various furniture for the home. Mom works as a hairdresser. They are teachers by profession, but like many, they have changed their activities to those that they like or bring more income.
The upbringing was ordinary, like that of most children. Reward for the good, punish for the bad. Now, looking back, I understand that I had a good childhood.

The most valuable thing they gave me is life. In the way I perceive myself and others, there is also their merit.

Who else had a special influence on your development as a person?
My paternal grandparents also influenced me. They worked outside the city and often took me with them. Most likely, from their suggestion, I fell in love with quiet and peaceful places where you can relax from the bustle of the city. I am considered a sociable person. However, sometimes I really want to be alone.

I am convinced that my mother's grandparents could also have influenced me, but they died when I was still young.

What is the funniest thing that happened in your life?
There were actually a lot of funny situations, but the first thing that came to mind was the moment when I worked as a salesperson at Euroset.
We stand with the second seller does not touch anyone. There are no people in the salon. Then some man with all his strength opens and breaks the door to the salon for us. Throws a cell phone in our direction with such force that it shatters into pieces. Screaming like this: “Take your phone to the dogs d*k” We prepared for the worst.
We assemble the phone in parts and understand that Euroset does not sell such phones. It was sold in the Beeline salon, which is located next door. This news greatly upset the man. He left the salon finishing off the door with his foot and went to the next door. History is silent about what happened next, but their door remained intact.
Which situation brings up the most unpleasant memories?
It's hard for me to call anything unpleasant memories. Yet every event in life is a unique experience. There are things that scare me and mostly they are connected with the fact that I will not be able to influence the situation or I am not left with a choice. In order to answer the question itself, let there be such a situation in which almost everyone has been — when they are accused of what a person is innocent of. This is always very unpleasant and makes you scroll through such situations in your head.
Do you have a significant other? Tell me how did you meet? A bit about the history of your relationship, if I may?
Yes, I have. Her name is Victoria, and we met when we studied at the institute. There is not much to tell here — we studied in the same stream, but in different groups. There was a common circle of contacts. That's how it all turned around.

Do you have any children? How do you rate yourself as a parent?
There are two little girls. They are only a month old at the moment, so it's hard for me to assess which parent I am. Yes, and I believe that I should not evaluate, but when they grow up.
What helps you cope with life's difficulties and obstacles?
The desire to regain control of the situation. You can also call it faith in the best.
What is your priority in life: self-expression, earnings or the opportunity to become known to the general public? Why?
It's hard to choose just one. Priorities change depending on the situation. It is unlikely that a person will have the time and desire for self-expression if there is not enough money. I believe that self-expression and the desire to become known to the general public are inextricably linked. After all, the job of a musician is to entertain the audience. And this will not work if the musician's head is occupied with questions about how he will live the next month.
What are the real, fundamental values in life for you today?
Freedom of expression and well-being of my immediate environment.
What do you firmly believe in life? It is interesting to know a few conscious beliefs that are relevant to you today.
You need to have reliable friends and relatives, but at the same time you always need to be ready to solve your problems and problems on your own.
What do you enjoy doing the most?
Depends on mood, weather, people around. Sometimes I like to just listen to music. If I'm surrounded by musicians — play it. At some moments, you just want to sit and chat with friends in a cafe, and sometimes go headlong into work.
Do you have a favorite word that you like to say? And an unloved word that is unpleasant to pronounce?
I can't single out any particular favorite word. As for the unloved, I am annoyed by the obscenity in everyday speech.
I think that we have enough words to describe any situation and I am convinced that a person’s speech should be pure. On the other hand, swearing in a topic or to describe bright situations amuses me. I think that everything should have its place and application.
What sound or noise do you like? Which one do you not like?
I really like the sound of rain falling on the leaves of trees. You can say that I love late autumn. I don't like the sound of a puncher late at night.
What is your favorite feeling? What is your least favorite?
Favorite — the feeling of inspiration. Unloved — a sense of shame, while most often it is Spanish shame, i.e. shame for the actions and behavior of other people.
What do you like about yourself (in appearance, character traits, behavior, actions)? What do you dislike about yourself?
Self-assessment is a bit too much. Let's leave this matter to those who communicate with me. Let me just say that I sometimes suffer from excessive modesty in those things where this is not necessary.
What attracts you in other people (in appearance, character traits, behavior, actions)? What repels?
I am attracted by the education of people and openness. As already mentioned, my impression of a person is greatly influenced by how he speaks, how clear his speech is, and whether he uses obscenities in his speech. I am repelled by excessive perseverance or the desire of people to make me do what they want. This sometimes results in unnecessary conflicts.
What word or phrase do you like to praise something/someone?
Maybe I'm weird, but I don't have special phrases. If I like something or don't like it, I say so. Always with I try to praise a person if I see the effort invested.
What's your favorite curse word?
I try to avoid any insults, even behind my back. In a conversation with someone on emotions, I can name a person who was rude to me or my environment “Horse”, “Goose” or “Chicken”. This is usually the limit.
What are the main life skills you have mastered so far (according to personal feelings)?
Well, first of all, it is a skill not to be left without work at a difficult moment, as it seems to me. In addition to playing the guitar, I can develop web applications and components for them. I can work with photo, video, light and sound at a fairly good level. I speak English at a conversational level.
Personally, I think I have a problem. I want to do many things, but there are only 24 hours in a day, of which 6-8 are spent on sleep. One way or another, I tried to use each of these skills professionally. So, for example, I taught guitar, while shooting a couple of weddings with my wife and editing several AMV (Anime Music Video) videos. The latter is mostly from personal fanaticism towards anime.
So far I have settled on developing web applications as the main source of income. A significant amount of time is saved due to remote work, which can be spent on family and creativity.
What can make you better?
I think financial freedom. I want to not think about bills and obligations at any time. It seems to me that this would greatly change my perception of the world and, as a result, self-expression.
Imagine that you are in hell, but instead of the Devil you are met by God. What would you say if you were in front of him?
I would say that the joke was read. As a person who is not particularly religious, it is difficult for me to imagine the situation without a share of irony.
Say some parting word to all those who read this interview.
It's hard to say anything in general. A person is individual, so let's make it so that everyone who reads up to this line forms this parting word for himself.
I once read one piece of advice that personally allows me to motivate myself to learn new things, create creativity, and fulfill my tasks. The same advice developed in me understanding and condescension towards people. It sounds like this...
Imagine yourself current going for a routine comprehensive physical exam. After you have been examined, you are called to the doctor and told that you have inoperable cancer and you have only a few months to live.
Returning home and thinking about your life, ask yourself the question — what would you spend the months you have left on? Would it be family, a vacation you planned, or something you wanted to do for a long time but didn't have time for? What things would you leave behind and what would remind your loved ones of you? What would be really important to you?
And when you have already thought everything over, the phone rings and you are informed that an error has occurred and you are completely healthy.
What would you do next?
Interviewer-editor: Elena Saidova
Project “Personality”: